The Price of Gold, 1257 - Present

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      What Was the Price of Gold?
London market price (1718-Present)
Gold/silver price ratio (1687-Present)
New York market price (1791-Present)
U.S. official price (1786-Present)
British official price (1257-1945)
       Initial Year:  
       Ending Year:
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To help understand where the historical data come from, you should read What Was the Price of Gold Then? Importance, Measurement, and History (25K PDF). The specialist or the serious user will also want to read What was the Price of Gold Then? A Data Study (111K PDF). This essay considers the five gold-price series one by one and provides a detailed description and evaluation of the existing work on the specific price.

The recent source of annual London Market Prices is the average of the daily London PM Fix found on This is the price most users quote.

The source of annual New York Market Prices is the U.S. Geological Survey which is "averaging Engelhard’s gold price quotations." See footnot 4 at

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Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson, "The Price of Gold, 1257-Present," MeasuringWorth,

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